Understand the NCLEX® RN Faster!
Discover the NCLEX-V2, the #1 Next-Generation support system with comprehensive content review, an all-in-one Question Bank, and care community, designed to help you pass the NCLEX-RN exam with confidence—a value of $497.
Select Your NCLEX-V2 Subscription
Note: Free Trial users will log into the NCLEX V2 Account to Upgrade!
If you're ready to pass NCLEX and have your license in 30 days or less or fill confident on your very next attempt select your course below to study with Professor Regina! You have the best content and a focused Qbank with CAT Exams to reach your goals. It's everything that you need to pass, all-in-one!
1-Month Registered Nurse (V2) Subscription
75+ NGN Case Studies
4,000 + NGN Qbank
On-Demand Lectures
Downloadable Workbook
Daily Study Calendar
2 Live Study Groups
3-Month Registered Nurse (V2) Subscription
75+ NGN Case Studies
4,000 + NGN Qbank
On-Demand Lectures
Downloadable Workbook
Daily Study Calendar
2 Live Study Groups
Features | REMAR | UWORLD | KAPLAN |
Regina MSN, RN | ✓ | - | - |
Daily Structure | ✓ | - | - |
Content Focus | ✓ | - | ✓ |
NGN QBank | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
2,500+ Questions | ✓ | - | ✓ |
CAT Testing | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Instant Access | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Affordability | ✓ | - | - |
(2) Weekly Live Events | ✓ | - | - |
Price | $99 | $139 | $425 |
Yes, the NCLEX V2 is optimized for Next Gen NCLEX. It offers case studies and all the new question types. Using the V2 will help you feel more confident and prepared for the Next Gen NCLEX exam. See the testimonials.
The NCLEX V2 is an all-in-one NCLEX training platform with a Question Bank plus CAT exam.
Quick Facts for NCLEX Next Gen Study Guide is a great way to start your NCLEX prep. While it is a great resource, it is designed to be paired with a comprehensive NCLEX review program and comes with the NCLEX V2.
ReMar has Everything You Need to
Pass the Next-Generation NCLEX Exam!
Don’t spend hundreds of dollars and countless hours searching for mixed resources or renewing expensive Question Banks. Get everything everything you need today with the ReMar V2.
ReMar has Everything You Need to Pass the Next-Generation NCLEX Exam!
Don’t spend hundreds of dollars and countless hours searching for mixed resources or renewing expensive Question Banks. Get everything everything you need today with the ReMar V2.
NCLEX® Instructor
Professor Regina M. Callion MSN, RN
With over a decade of helping hundreds of thousands of nurses prepare for NCLEX; Professor Regina MSN, RN is the creator of the NCLEX V2. Motto: You Can. You Will. You Must Pass NCLEX.
NCLEX® Instructor
Professor Regina M. Callion MSN, RN
With over a decade of teaching experience, Professor Regina MSN, RN creator of the NCLEX V2. Her motto is simple: You Can. You Will. You Must Pass NCLEX.
Interactive Video Lecture Content
The first step to passing NCLEX is learning the core nursing content.
With the V2 each lecture is just as engaging as it is educational. Get straight to the point with an average of 20-minutes per lecture to help you understand the Next-Generation NCLEX faster.
2,300 Next-Generation
NCLEX Style Questions
After studying the content, it’s time to answer the questions! Create your own tests from more than 2,300 questions or use our pre-set tests to simulate your NCLEX exam with detailed rationale!
Interactive Video Lecture Content
The first step to passing NCLEX is mastering the core content. Each lecture in V2 is both engaging and educational. Get straight to the point with 10 to 20-minute lectures to help you maintain focus and you understand NCLEX faster!
2,300 Next Generation
NCLEX Style Questions
Get instant feedback from +2,300 NCLEX style questions! Create your own practice exams in timed and tutor modes with detailed rationale to understand Next-Gen faster.
NCLEX® Simulator
+ Candidate Report
Pass the test before you test, students say “It’s just like the real NCLEX exam.”
Each student also receives a personalized candidate report with a pass ranking from each of the core content topics for NCLEX.
NCLEX® Simulator
+ Candidate Report
Pass the test before you test with our computer adaptive technology inside the NCLEX V2. It’s just like the real Next-Gen NCLEX exam. Each student will also receive a personalized candidate report with pass rankings from each of the core content topics for NCLEX.
Quick Facts for NCLEX
(Next-Gen) Study Guide
Included with the V2 – Quick Facts for NCLEX study guide gives students straight-to-the-point content with a key focus on Clinical Priorities and the Top 200 Pharmacology Drugs for the Next-Gen NCLEX exam.
Quick Facts for
Study Guide
Included with your package – Quick Facts study guide gives you straight-to-the-point content with a key focus on Clinical Priorities and the Top 200 Pharmacology Drugs for the Next-Gen NCLEX exam.
ReMar Nurse
Join the ReMar Nurse family inside of the NCLEX V2 and study with 30,000 strong. Ask your own questions or contribute with your own helpful feedback.
The V2 has Everything You Need to
Pass the NCLEX Next-Gen Exam for less!
Features | REMAR | UWORLD | KAPLAN |
Regina MSN, RN | ✓ | - | - |
Daily Structure | ✓ | - | - |
Content Focus | ✓ | - | ✓ |
NGN QBank | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
2,500+ Questions | ✓ | - | ✓ |
CAT Testing | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Instant Access | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Affordability | ✓ | - | - |
(2) Weekly Live Events | ✓ | - | - |
Price | $99 | $139 | $425 |
NCLEX-RN® Review ($89)
Get your RN nursing license in four weeks or less with the NCLEX V2.
3-Months Instant Access
RN - Content Lectures
Next-Gen® RN - QBank
NCLEX® (CAT) Simulator
Quick Facts for NCLEX®
Printable Workbook
Daily Study Plan
99% Success
$474 Value
$50/ mo. renewal begins in 3-mo. Cancel anytime.
Get instant access before the $89 sale ends with no card needed.
Instant Trial Access
RN - Sample Lectures
Sample QBank Access
(CAT) Simulator - (n/a)
Quick Facts for NCLEX (n/a)
Printable Trial Workbook
Daily Study Plan
99% Success
$474 Value
Join the Free Trial - No credit carded needed.
Have you Taken NCLEX Before?
You can pass NCLEX even as a repeat-tester. Join the ReMar Care Community to get the content and support you need to reach your NCLEX goals!
More questions? Send us a text or chat with Team ReMar to see what’s best for you!
Text the word NCLEX to (855)-696-0132
We’ll text you back as soon as possible!
Get all of the books!
Those are the books that will be delivered with designated subscriptions
Upgrade to the printed NCLEX V2 workbook
Now is the time to pass NCLEX Next-Gen with our comprehensive review program! Get the high-quality printed workbook today. You will also receive the PDF version included in your V2 Trainer file vault.
Book Price: $35 (+ Shipping)
The #1 study guide resource for RN & LPN nursing content.
The 5-Star Quick Facts for NCLEX is designed to give you core nursing content in a simple, easy-to-understand, “no-nonsense” structure to help you quickly identify your strengths and analyze areas of weakness. Quick Facts is the best place to start while in school or beginning your NCLEX prep!
Book Price: $24.95 (+ Shipping)
Mentorship guide – Learn how to dominate your nursing career.
First + Shift: How to Dominate Nursing Career
Nursing can be tough, but you don't have to do it alone. I'm telling you everything I wish someone had told me before walking onto the floor for my first nursing shift!
Book Price: $20 (+ Shipping)
Will this help Next Gen NCLEX?
Does this program include a Question Bank?
Is Quick Facts for NCLEX Next Gen enough for me to pass NCLEX?
When will this price change?
Will this help for Next Gen NCLEX?
The NCLEX V2 is optimized for Next Gen NCLEX and includes all of the brand new question types, case studies, and clinical judgement models to help prepare you for the new exam.
Is this a comprehensive NCLEX Review?
The NCLEX V2 is an all-in-one NCLEX training platform designed to give you everything you need to pass Next Gen NCLEX in 4 weeks or less.
Is Quick Facts for NCLEX Next Gen enough for me to pass NCLEX?
Quick Facts for NCLEX Next Gen Study Guide is a great way to start your NCLEX prep. It features easy-to-digest core content as well as the top 200 Drugs you need to know for NCLEX. While it is a great resource, we always recommend a comprehensive NCLEX Review program, such as the V2, that include interactive video lessons, case studies, and CAT exams.
When will this price change?
The current introductory price will end July 1st 2023
Will this help Next Gen NCLEX?
Is a QBank included with the V2?
Is the Quick Facts for NCLEX Next Gen book enough to pass NCLEX?
When will this price change?
30 Day Subscription
Get your registered nursing license in four weeks or less with the NCLEX V2. (Quick Start Instant Access)
Quick Start Instant Access
Content Lectures
Next-Gen® QBank
NCLEX® (CAT) Simulator
Quick Facts for NCLEX®
Printable Workbook
Daily Study Plan
99% Success
Testing Soon
$50 monthly renewal cancel anytime
90 Day Subscription
Get your registered nursing license at your own pace with NCLEX V2. ($497 Value)
3-Months Instant Access
Content Lectures
Next-Gen® QBank
NCLEX® (CAT) Simulator
Quick Facts for NCLEX®
Printable Workbook
Daily Study Plan
99% Success
$474 Value
$50 monthly renewal cancel anytime
Nurse Brittney Kinnon
I bought the ReMar Quick Facts and it was remarkable! I understood things that was very hard for me in school. Just recently took my NCLEX and I passed on the first try! What a great investment it is. Thank you!
Nurse Lennethea Miller
I love ReMar Quick Facts, I've been studying for 8 weeks... from the first page to the very last page. I took my NCLEX and passed with 85 questions.
Nurse Lynette Simms
No other NCLEX review can touch the power of ReMar! It's most definitely the best created. I am a repeat-tester and tried THREE and other NCLEX reviews and failed but I passed with ReMar
Nurse Keewani
I paid an online NCLEX Review program that cost me so much and was only doing questions! I was tired. I ordered ReMar's program and feel in love with because Regina focused on the content! I passed NCLEX with ReMar on my second attempt as an international nurse!
Nurse Carline
The world is watching ReMar and I'm so glad to be a part of it. I passed my NCLEX! If you don't pass the text once, don't give up, focus on the content and if I can do it everyone can do it!
Nurse Maricar Verzosa
I passed my NCLEX-RN in 75 questions with ReMar! I'm a foreign nurse (Philippines), yes english is my second language, it's easy to understand.
30 Day RN Access
Get your registered nursing license in four weeks or less with the NCLEX V2. (Quick Start Instant Access)
Quick Start Instant Access
Content Lectures
Next-Gen® QBank
NCLEX® (CAT) Simulator
Quick Facts for NCLEX®
Printable Workbook
Daily Study Plan
99% Success
Testing Soon
$50 monthly renewal cancel anytime
90 Day RN Access
Get your registered nursing license in four weeks or less with the NCLEX V2. (a $497 Value)
3-Months Access
Content Lectures
Next-Gen® QBank
NCLEX® (CAT) Simulator
Quick Facts for NCLEX®
Printable Workbook
Daily Study Plan
99% Success
Testing Soon
$50 monthly renewal cancel anytime